Friday, January 23, 2009

Summer in Büdingen and Berlin

We had so much fun this last summer visiting Julianna's family in Germany! It was Sarah's and Hannah's first trip to Germany--and Josh's and my first trip there with babies on our laps during the entire flight! It did take our girls about three weeks to get over the jet-lag, so we had another three weeks of fully adjusted and happy babies. Hannah and Sarah had a blast with their aunts and uncles in Büdingen (the youngest of whom just turned eight), Jule's parents and her other relatives. ....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christmas with the Edlingers

We spent the holidays at Josh's parents' in Lafayette (this was Julianna's 3rd Christmas with the Edlingers in CA) and had a great time! It was amazing to see how much all of our nieces and nephews there have grown during the past year. Of course, we were also proud to introduce our daughters to the members of the family who hadn't seen them yet, especially Josh's grandma Betty.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hannah's and Sarah's many talents

Time flies, and our baby girls are almost six months old. As of Tuesday, December 18, Sarah weighs 14 lbs. 6 oz. and measures 25 in. in length. Hannah is 25 in. tall as well and weighs 13 lbs. 5 oz.

Our girls are so much fun and they can do so many things now! Hannah loves blowing raspberries whenever she gets bored or tired. She also likes to bang her toys against the plastic frame of her bouncy seat, which is quite noisy. When we put the two of them down for a nap, Hannah will sometimes take her pacifier and rub it against her upper jawline. We think she enjoys this because of the squeaky sounds created by the rubber. It keeps her from falling asleep, but it is oh so cute.

Sarah seems to be very eager to start crawling. She can't do it yet, but when I place her on her tummy, she likes to kick her legs against my hands, which allows her to slide forward a little. Sarah has also entertained us occasionally with false laughs and coughs.
Hannah and Sarah love playing with mommy and daddy! It is so much fun to make them laugh and shriek out loud. Usually all four of us will play together before the girls go to bed. That way, both of them get some one-on-one time with their dad.

Josh and Jule

Josh and Jule
This is how it all started out 3.5 years ago! See the bottom of the page for some more recent pictures.